Monday, December 11, 2006

The Splendour of The Lord

As usual, we attended Sunday mass at St Anthony’s Church in Woodlands. And it was a very inspiring mass again with the homily about The Splendour of the Lord. Though the men in charge were late on cue, it was still nice watching the slide presentation of the simple wonders around us which we at times take for granted.

Yeah, when we are down and feeling blue, those wonders are difficult to feel and see. It is because it is only when “we are pure and blameless” that we really see and feel that unexplained but prominent feeling of awe and serenity on all those simple things that God provided for us.

Though it is just natural to feel sad at times, we should always see the bright side of things. For when we see the bright side, we feel happy. That is why I always seek God’s guidance for me to feel joyful with the simple things I got.

And I want to share here some simple photos I photographed that made me feel and see the splendour of the Lord.

We also see the splendour of God in people around us. As for me, I see God's wonders in my own family especially my grandkids.

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As an early childhood educator, I always see and feel God's wonders in all the children in the centre. For whatever they are doing and or they are saying and in whatever moods they are in, God's love for humanity is always prominent.

Just look at him.

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At her.

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And at them.

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Can you feel an unexplained joy seeing these young kids? (note: these kids were sponsored by my daughter's company to visit Sentosa)

Now if you are in the early childhood setting, but you feel irritable, impatient and angry most of the times, please, please leave this profession. You don't belong here. For those like me who love children will always want to see the splendour of the Lord through the children. Please don't make our beloved profession as lowly as you. Don't stain it with much hatred. Can you? Will you?


Anonymous said...

nice pictures :)..

Unknown said...
