Saturday, November 08, 2008

A Thank You and A Birthday Greeting

Tomorrow will be my daughter's birthday. We wish her a happy happy birthday together with her family in Virginia. She is surely very happy as she campaigned hard for Barack Obama even though she is a Friend of Hillary. Obama's win is a gift for her too. May she have more birthdays to come in the land where all dreams can come true.

Here in Singapore, we are of course thankful that Mr. Obama won. My co-teacher asked me what US election got to do with me when I told her I wish Obama to win. Hmm, I admit I am not an American. But Obama's win has an impact on us too. Yes, we are thankful that Barack Obama won. We are optimistic that my grandchildren who are all Americans will have a better life under his presidency.

Happy birthday my dear daughter! We are proud of you that you think of your children's future by campaigning for Obama. And we are glad to hear Kyllenne in her Southern accent saying " Mommy, we have a new president, Obama!" Surely, she'll grow up to be politically conscious as you are.