If you come to visit my place and enter my modest dwelling, my dining room is seen when you turn left. If you turn right, you’ll see the door which is open most of the times, and you’ll see my fridge especially its side. As it is the one seen as you enter, I displayed my magnets and photos on it. Come take a peep…
Now, come a little bit closer....
And now in full view...
As you can see, the guitar and jeepney wooden magnets are from the Philippines and the 2 flower baskets on frames are from Malaysia. The rest are from USA. The Chinese charms are from here.
All the other photos/cards on display are all dear to me, which I want to see every time. The postcard from Guam was sent by my eldest where she conceived the twins after 2 years of marriage. The twins photos and theirbaby sister's birth announcement, my sojourn in Thailand with my husband as it was the only time we took holiday without our kids, my photo with my 3 daughters which they said we just look like sisters (at naniwala naman ako!!! LOL!) are all a must for me to look at everytime. And the fridge is just the convenient place to display them.
I thought I was the only one who display photos and things on the fridge aside from the magnets. I was totally wrong. When I visited Jo's site, I found out about her Ref Door Project and asked her if I could join them.
So do join the Ref Door Project now and have some fun too!!!